Moving in
You’ve just moved into your apartment with Connectivity U internet. Congrats! While you’re getting unpacked, it’s time to setup your internet connection.
check in with your property manager
Some apartments require a subscription for internet service through your property manager.
While this should have been covered during your application process, if you’re not sure, give the property office a call to verify if they require a subscription.
locate your wall port
In most apartments, the internet is provided through an ethernet port on the wall. Most are located in bedrooms, living rooms, or occasionally kitchens.
get connected
Once you’ve found the most convenient port, you can connect any compatible device directly to the port using an ethernet cable.
Most tenants choose to connect a router to the wall port, but any device with an ethernet connection should work. This includes desktop computers, game consoles, smart TV’s, etc.
what about wifi?
At some properties, we do provide wifi access in addition to the ethernet ports. If you are in an apartment with just ethernet, we recommend connecting a router to the port. The router will enable you to have wifi for all of your devices.